Digital Preservation
for the Stein National Landmark Garden Cities


National Park Service Documentation Programs...

diamondHistoric American Landscapes Survey (HALS)
Documents the nation's important historic landscapes.

diamondHistoric American Buildings Survey (HABS)
Documents nationally significant historic buildings.

diamondCultural Resources Geographical Information System (CRGIS)
Use of geographic information system to analyze historic resources.

diamondInterview about HABS/HALS---Catherine Lavoie and Chris Stevens

diamondInterview about CRGIS---Deidre McCarthy

----Preserve a community's Landmark history at the U.S. Library of Congress.
----Support disaster planning and recovery.
----Promote best preservation practices with its economic advantages.

The National Park Service's recommendations for historic landscapes/buildings...

diamondRay and Charles Eames House
HABS records contains 33 page report and 13 drawings. Report format is recommended for Stein NHL Garden cities.
HABS records (2014)

diamondSt. Michael Cathedral (Sitka, Alaska)
Reconstruction of a National Landmark using HABS documentation after destroyed by fire in 1966---10-page report, 7 drawings, 24 photo's, and 4 transparencies.
HABS records (1942, 1960-61)

diamond Lovelace Garden
Restoration of a noted private garden using HABS documentation after being damaged by the 2017 Montecito fire--33 page report, drawings, and photographs.
Documentation available both in book form and HABS records (2016-2017).

diamondLaguna Beach and the Greenbelt
Detailed history of a California landscape and community from ancient times to the present. Contains 66 pages of maps, photographs, and paintings.
Documentation available both in book form and HABS records (2016)

diamond Ghazni, Afghanistan Towers of Victory
HABS documentation of 75-feet ancient towers (2011). U.S. Department of State's project to protect threatened cultural resources in Afghanistan.

diamondDamages by Hurricanes Irma and Maria (HABS/HALS/HAER/GIS--2018) An interactive story map that links Heritage Documentation records of various historic sites that were located within the vicinity of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.


Strategies from historic preservation and FEMA....

Historic Preservation Planning Sources
diamondSaving Wright--The Freeman House and the Preservation of Meaning, Materials, and Modernity (2011) by Jeffrey M. Chusid.
Major case study of best preservation practices that reduced earthquake damages and supported extensive restoration efforts of a Frank Lloyd Wright site.

diamondNew Orleans Project with
Stein fellowship's ongoing field work in New Orleans to study recovery of historic and cultural resources after Hurricane Katrina (2005). Lessons learned from 6 historic sites will be used to develop recommendations for the Stein NHL Garden cities.

diamondNational Park Service's Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy
Environmental considerations in managing historic/cultural resources. An extension of best preservation practices in Chusid's case study.

diamond Assessing Heritage Resources in St. Croix
-- Post-Hurricanes Irma and Maria
A recent case study describes the difficulties in disaster recovery of National Register sites without prior planning. On-site professionals recommend proper guidelines.


Disaster Planning Sources from FEMA

diamond Interview with FEMA's Preservation Officer---John Ketchum Recommended strategies for the Stein Landmark Garden cities and other historic properties in the United States (2012).

diamondFEMA's Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations Into Hazard Mitigation Planning
An authoritative manual for protecting local and state historic and cultural resources (FEMA 386-6/May 2005).

diamondFEMA's official website
Portal for all activities relating to agency's disaster/climate change programs.